How to define simple living money saving tips

by Mike on February 14, 2013

Simple living money saving tips

Changing Your Attitude, Saving More Money

When a subject like simple living money saving tips pop up, the first thing that will come to mind are various methods of money saving tips and ideas . Most of the time, however, the problem is not really in how much money we have but in the mindset we have regarding money. If you think back on the times you have earned more or less money and assess your spending habits, you will often find a common pattern – your spending increases with the increase of income. You will want that new car, better furniture, new clothes, another holiday or more gadgets, and so on. What is sadder is that even in times when you are making lesser money, your spending habits stay as they are. The results? Your spending more than you earn.

Defining Enough

Any list of successful money saving tips begin with defining what the root cause of your lack is. It starts in understanding what enough really means to you. If we look closely at what enough is, for 95% of us that consists of only the basics. Namely food, clothing, and shelter. It means a roof on your head, clothes to wear, and three square meals a day. In your quest to find simple living tips, meditate what your definition of enough is and what it brings to mind when you do think on it.

The five mindset money saving tips

The following questions can help assess what enough really is to you.

  • What gives you joy? Simple living does not mean that you stop enjoying the fruits of your labour. But rather, enjoying them with the right perspective to keep you from some of the unnecessary things in life. By Simple Living Money Saving Tipsidentifying what really matters in your life, whether they are material things, people, or activities, you can easily decide what things beyond the basic necessities will give you joy. It isnt always the shiny object its sometimes much simpler.
  • What makes you feel alive? The reason why our existence here on earth is called life is because it is not just about surviving, but about living. It means enjoying the things that matters most to you and be passionate and successful at them. How many possessions and how much time do you need in order to really be alive?
  • What things bring you comfort? Your goal on why you are looking for simple living money tips is probably based on learning to survive with a simple lifestyle without being miserable. Evaluate how you define comfort and make a list of the things that make your life comfortable and enjoyable. Soon, you will begin to see that it is not always the expensive or elaborate gadget, but the simpler things, which bring you joy.
  • What are the other things you want that go beyond the basics that will make your life more comfortable and happy? Make an evaluation of all the things in your life and consider what things go beyond what ‘enough’ is. Be aware your new list may make you realize that one of the most effective money saving tips you will ever receive is to develop self-control in your spending habits. Ask – do I really need it or do I just want it?
  • What wants go beyond enough? If you want any simple living money tips to work for you, focus is necessary. I know I hear the word “Focus” a lot but you may not have had the exposure I have had. But concentration and focus can help you consciously realize the desires you have for things that are beyond your earning capacity. Why do you desire them? Are they needed to have enough? Can you do without these things? If your answer is yes, you can give up the desire for these things and put into practice the money saving tips you’ve had for a long time.
  • Do you want to work less? Happiness is not bought by money – a proverb I am sure you have heard. It’s easy for anyone to say this and in fact many of us without money may ask what on earth we are talking about. Many of the things that cause happiness are not always tangible. Why burden yourself with working longer hours when you don’t really need that much? Think about leveraging your time more effectively by working just four days a week instead of five. Does the reduction in pay make your life better or worse? Can you move up in the world to a better job which pays more for less time investment? Always remember that it is not about how much money you make but how much money you save. Learning this attitude is much better than any simple living money tips you will ever find or have.

Want to read more about simple living money saving tips try the collection at

***Photo thanks to katie@! & Images_Of_Money***

{ 1 comment… read it below or add one }

1 Cat February 19, 2013 at 8:45 am

I know that more time would make me happy. And that money does not buy happiness. I’ve been going back and forth with my recent risk I’ve taken, and I was worrying for awhile, and then I realized, what’s done is done!

So what if I quit my well paying job to move to Hawaii this coming week? I wasn’t going to take this chance and I was going to line everything up perfectly (the amount of savings, the new jobs, etc) and I even started applying for IT jobs.

Then I realized.. I don’t want to work a 40 hour work week on a regular 9-5. Sometimes I think I’d even be happy on a 60 hour work week on random days doing something that I love. As long as it’s not boring 9-5 Monday – Friday staring at a computer screen.

So I took a risk. And now I’m going to see where it gets me. I’m standing by your money doesn’t buy happiness and we’ll see how I do on very little money!!

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