Everyone could use a little extra storage space for their stuff. Whether you own a small business and need somewhere temporary to store your inventory, or you’re just an individual homeowner and need some storage space in your backyard, buying a new or used shipping container might just be the solution that you’ve been looking […]
by Mike on November 28, 2018
Some people do not how to enjoy the holiday season with their less than perfect family members without stressing out big time over money problems. Movies and television shows typically depict the holidays as picture perfect with close-knit family members that get along without the usual hidden family secrets most families attempt to hide from […]
It’s been said a thousand times that buying a house is a big and expensive commitment, but nevertheless it’s presented as the ultimate life goal, especially for millennials. However, have you stopped to consider that renting isn’t as terrible as you’re making it out to be? For every case made for the benefits of owning […]
by Mike on April 22, 2017
There really is no getting used to the fast-paced world. New things are happening at every moment, and if you are an entrepreneur, it is important to get on top of it. So you are always plugged in, even on your rest days, even during scheduled meetings. Sometimes, you are doing countless tasks all at […]
by Mike on April 13, 2017
Many of us stay away from real estate. It seems fraught and unreliable. And, no one likes unreliability where money is concerned. For most of us, buying one house is enough commitment. But, what if we were to tell you that real estate could be an investment worth making? In a world where many of […]
by Mike on April 11, 2017
What’s the first thing that pops into your head when you think about addiction? Drugs. But did you know that addiction to spending money is just as prevalent? People tend to get addictions when they feel bad. Then they discover that something – be it illicit substances, money or sex – makes them feel temporarily […]
At first glance, return on investment (ROI) might seem like a simple enough calculation. It breaks down the cost that goes into marketing for and running an online store versus the amount that comes back because of that investment. It’s a widely-accepted tenet of business that tracking ROI is a good starting benchmark for measuring […]
by Mike on March 18, 2017
People like you and me have been asking the question for years. To us, speculating to accumulate money isn’t just irresponsible; it’s not possible. Still, every entrepreneur we hear tells us that we ‘have to take the plunge,’ and that ‘risk is healthy.’ Before we do walk the plank, though, we should at least know […]
by Mike on February 4, 2017
For a great many of us, the internet is the prime place to shop. In fact, you can buy everything from your groceries to your clothes and major purchase like laptops and computers via the internet. While it is a source of savings for many people, spending online can also be a little dangerous, as […]
by Mike on December 8, 2016
Winter weather can be brutal- none of us like braving the cold early in the morning to get to work! But along with the general unpleasantness, there are actually a few things you should bear in mind as a business owner. Winter is likely to present a number of challenges to both your premises and […]
by Mike on September 1, 2014
The primary goal of investing in real estate is to increase net worth. Although considered high-risk assets, investment properties present high return on investments (ROI) when they are cash-flow positive. Investors who rent their properties aim to earn more than their invested amount, which includes down payments, closing costs and upgrades, through rental income and […]
by Mike on August 28, 2014
Investing money is a fine art that requires you to have an idea what the best deals are at any given time, and also to know when to leave your money alone when it’s accumulating enough interest. For most of us we understand that if we really want our cash to work for us we […]
Recently I got my credit card statement and actually took the time to go through the different charges there. Not that I am not careful but sometimes I just take a cursory glance at the list then set it aside especially if the amount is about what I normally expect. I know a good percentage […]
For those that may have noticed my writing has been a little sparse the last two weeks or so due to my being absent and distracted by a series of unfortunate family funerals. Its never pleasant watching one of your grandparents pass away let alone seeing two go within two weeks of one another. And […]
Sports have always brought excitement and entertainment to individuals around the world and the state of origin here in Australia is no different. I was watching the highlights from it last week when it occurred to me I was seeing marketing, mindset and finances all in action. There would of been 70,000 people in that […]
Alright I will admit up front that one of my personal financial pitfalls is that my lady and I love eating out just as much as dining in! And it stands to reason that eating or dining out under normal circumstances should affect our finances but recently I noticed something. Previously I had taken the […]
by Mike on March 20, 2014
In times gone past when people needed to buy something that they could not produce on their own they had to travel for miles to purchase it. Human innovation however changed this with local shops, cities, catalog shopping and mail order but the biggest impact to our shopping habits was the internet. This made it […]
by Ian Elbanbuena on March 5, 2014
In reality, people don’t buy things purely for logical reasons, but partly for emotional ones. Problem is, most people buy recklessly and don’t know how to control their spending as much as their emotions. Buying something you don’t really need when you’re stressed out, bored or feeling particularly low is emotional spending. Yes, it gives […]
by Mike on January 31, 2014
If you’re a novice to insurance, it can be impossible to know which policies you really need, and which ones are a waste of precious time and money. That’s why we’ve put together this list of the 4 policies that are essential, helping you to separate the wheat from the chaff. Life Insurance If you […]
by Mike on January 9, 2014
Insurance underwriting may seem like a vague and impenetrable process, only understood by those with specific training in this field. However, insurance underwriting is more integral to our professional and personal lives than many of us realise. Corporate liability, health care and car insurance coverage all require the services of an insurance underwriter. This guide […]