Posts tagged as:

Carnival Roundup

Carnival of Storm Season approaches

by Mike on September 18, 2013

Post image for Carnival of Storm Season approaches

Our Carnival roundup for the last month or so is dedicated this month to the Season of Storms. Here in Australia (in particular where I live) we get a fairly mammoth storm season this time of the year every year. TV runs advertisements by insurance companies, emergency services are always warning us to be prepared […]


Carnival Roundup - Life below Zero edition

This months carnival is the Life Below Zero edition. I have recently added this to my list of “To be watched shows” which to my amusement all seem to be Discovery and History channel shows. I am a bit of a romantic of simpler (or more complicated depending on how you look at it) lives […]


Carnival Roundup - Grow your business edition

As any small business owner can relate to, gaining retaining and working with customers either sinks or swims your small business and its goals. This has been a good month for me with a couple of regular customers added to the fold. Nothing is more complimentary than having referrals tell someone about the work you […]


Autumn Carnival Roundup

Back from an awesome warm sunny Pacific cruise and straight back into Australian Autumn weather!. While we may not have the dumping of snow you northern hemisphere dwellers get its enough for me to smell the cold in the air and see how the beginnings of moisture on the lawn every morning. I actually enjoy […]


Carnival Roundup – Deep Freeze Edition

by Mike on February 12, 2013

Carnival Roundup - Deep Freeze Edition

Spring is almost upon the US (although some area may not know it) so this months roundup goes out to those buried beneath the snow in the last few weeks. For those trapped in the snow here is where our writing on personal finance were found for the last few weeks. Title..: Eating Well but […]