Everyone loves to save money, and what better time to save money than right now! Check out these five easy money saving tips that you can do in less than an hour, and possibly save yourself hundreds of dollars per year! Check Your Bank Bank rates are changing all the time. When was the last […]
by Mike on February 25, 2011
A while ago I stumbled across a site with some free educational games. The site is called HoodaMath, it has games, worksheets and tutorials for Math. The games are broken down into categories: Logic, Geometry and Arithmetic. Here are the ones that can be used for money lessons: Pocket Change Drag out currency from the […]
by Mike on March 18, 2010
The interview below is with Peter Anderson, founder of Bible Money Matters. Peter runs a well established blog in the Christian / Biblical personal finance niche and has gracefully agreed to this interview. It was a privilege to be able to pick his brain and I’m happy to be able to share the information with […]