Tips to Save Gas With the gas prices these days, everyone’s asking themselves “how can I save money on gas?” The good news is there are many different ways to save money on gas that will really surprise you. By making a few changes to how you do things and keeping a close eye on […]
by Mike on March 27, 2013
It’s become a well-known fact in recent years that there are amazing benefits to be gained by switching to an eco-friendly lifestyle. And as this knowledge becomes more prevalent, the costs of these changes have been rapidly decreasing. In fact, many companies and government agencies are now openly encouraging consumers to begin switching to more […]
by Mike on January 22, 2013
Saving Money on Food: Get Rid of Your Bad Habits When we hear about saving money on food, the first thing that comes to mind is eating less or getting hungry. Unless you’re on a diet (even if you are), the idea of cutting on food seems a dreadful idea. For most of us, […]
by Mike on January 9, 2013
Pay off Debt – Its a good start Whether you accept or believe what the media is saying, it can be difficult to make money these days; concurrently, your expenses always seem to increase. As a result, you end up in debt and experience more difficulty to pay off debt because your income is not […]
by Mike on September 24, 2012
Saving for the Fall I belong to a family of penny-pinchers, made even more so by difficult economic times. If there is anything that hard times have taught us, it is that we can survive on less with judicious planning and a lot of creativity. It may take a major attitude adjustment, but the payback […]
by Mike on April 16, 2012
If you want to make changes to the way in which your kitchen looks you’ll probably be aware of the fact that it will cost money to carry them out especially when you take in mind new appliances. With this in mind you’ll be interested in any ways to save money wherever you can without […]