– One of the best tools for an Offline or Online Business

by Mike on September 11, 2013

Payanywhere Review

Today I am writing a review on a payment portal system produced for pretty much any business whether that be online or offline. I had the distinctly awful task recently of trying to integrate a payments system into a website and after a wasted few hours I then spent some time looking around on the web for alternatives.

From what I can see all business professionals consists of two main types of people. There are those who perform all their activities in an office, who meet their clients there and have all the necessary tools, gear, documents and other work-related items all in one place. Then there are those (like me) who don’t have the luxury of an office because their work must be executed on the go. There are many offline and online businesses that require individuals to take their work out of the office and into the field. Businesses that offer photography, landscaping, writing, blogging, eCommerce (others can be added to the list) and other services require a certain level of mobility on the part of the contractor.

So whether you take beautiful family portraits or offer financial / life advice, deliver goods ordered online or build websites, every contractor who takes their work where they go is usually going to need an easy and lightweight payment solution. offers one such solution with a free credit card processing system which consists of an app that can be installed on your mobile device. The app is compatible with mostiOS, Android or Blackberry devices.

In order to use this service you need to have a PayAnywhere account and the card reader that they supply for free. You can quickly set up an account online or right from your smartphone. The app itself guides you through the process step by step. Then you have to insert the card reader in the smartphone’s audio jack. The process of making money transactions is very easy as well: you swipe the card in the card reader, the client enters their information and everything else is done by the app, including calculating the sales tax according to your location. Having tax handled and calculated for you is an great feature for those of us who are not very good with finance.

When the transaction is complete, the app sends the client an e-mail with a receipt and detailed information about the transaction. Another very handy option that you have is the ability to connect the device to a printer or cash drawer. In addition all your clients / customers will be happy to know that by using the mobile card processing system they get certain discounts directly through the app.

So How Secure is

Online entrepreneurs are certainly used to making this kind of transactions, but offline contractors are usually skeptical about how secure their personal information is when money is exchanged in an online medium. Services like PayAnywhere use a special type of encryption called end-to-end, which means your data is only readable at its departure from the app and arrival at its destination.  The best part however is that no matter the type of transaction or work you’re delivering, even if you work offline, this service plus the app and card reader are completely free. PayAnywhere only charges competitive transaction fees.

The PayAnywhere mobile card processing service has a couple of other features I will mention as well. As an example when taking a client on a business dinner the app even calculates what tip you can leave at the restaurant. This can be useful because paying the bill (or debating it) doesn’t fragment your conversation with the client and because everything is done so effortlessly.  There are a few customizable options if you want the app to make suggestions for the tip according to the value of the bill. Also no matter where you are the app shows you all your sales, refunds and voids, so it’s very easy to keep track of what you’re doing.

The conclusion – PayAnywhere review

It’s truly amazing how technology can help us contractors and business owners keep our work more organized and keep track of every money payment we receive or transaction we make even when in the field. A simple app like this can be a great aid especially for those who are not particularly good with numbers and maths saving you money in the long run in book keeping and accountancy fees.

PayAnywhere is compatible with numerous mobile devices and it works fast enough to become a really great asset for both online and offline businesses.


***Photo thanks to & Schill***

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