Carnival of one of those Days!

by Mike on August 8, 2013

Post image for Carnival of one of those Days!

One of those days starts so predictably that I am sure you all know exactly what I am talking about. You wake up and the phone is already ringing, Skype has half a dozen messages and your already feeling like today should be the day you stay in bed, call in sick or shut the world out!

Every one of those messages or calls are all small problems of which the majority probably dont relate to you, aren’t your responsibility or perhaps your doing as non paid work. I am sure you get the gist of it.

Today is one of those days for me! Its now halfway through the day and I am working my way through these hassles and small problems and trying to keep myself from going insane but still keep all my clients and friends happy. I gritted my teeth, girded my loins and rather than run away committed to dealing with it.  So in order to celebrate my not running away from this day this months Carnival is the “Carnival of one of those days!”

Below you can find all the links to the carnivals we participated in and where our content could be found!
Title..: Why every business needs Commercial insurance Commercial Insurance
Personal Finance Journey
Carnival of MoneyPros at Your PF Pro
Yakezie Carnival at One Cent at a Time
Carnival of Financial Planning at Bite the Bullet Investing
Finance Carn. for Young Adults at FITnancials
Carnival of Retirement at Midlife Finance
Carn. of Financial Camaraderie at Hurricanes, Panties



Title..: Easy Simple Accounting advice for new businesses Accounting
Personal Finance Journey
Carnival of Retirement at Faithful With a Few
Yakezie Carnival at What Mommy Does
Carnival of MoneyPros at Financially Digital



Title..: Are you financially ready for a Pet? puppy
Personal Finance Journey
Finance Carn. for Young Adults at Cash Cow Couple
Yakezie Carnival at Money Reasons
Carnival of Retirement at Fat Guy,Skinny Wallet



Title..: 5 Thrifty cleaning habits everyone should know Cleaning Cycle
Personal Finance Journey
Carn. of Financial Camaraderie at Mo’ Money Mo’ Houses
Yakezie Carnival at Making Sense of Cents
Carnival of Retirement at Mo’ Money Mo’ Houses
Finance Carn. for Young Adults at Finance Inspired
Carnival of MoneyPros at Thirty Six Months


Don’t forget to leave me a comment or an idea as I love hearing from my readers


***photo thanks to whatmegsaid***

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