Carnival of Personal Finance #262: 80s TV Edition

by Mike on June 21, 2010

It is my distinct pleasure to host the 262nd edition of the Carnival of Personal Finance. As always with CoPF, there were plenty of GREAT submissions. It’s always hard to pick which ones to publish, but here they are…with some 80s TV pop culture sprinkled in between for nostalgia!

I tried to include articles submitted regardless of my personal taste. If something was not included, it was probably too old, too many affiliate links, too generic, unoriginal, or not related to personal finance. But with nearly 100 submissions, some had to be cut if for no other reason than to keep the list manageable. Below are my top 3, followed by the rest organized with the most popular categories at the top.

Editor’s Picks

Frugal Dad presents Raising a Frugal Dad: A Open Letter to My Son.
This was warm, captivating and informative. One of the videos actually brought tears to my eyes. A great representation for all the unnamed, under-appreciated great dads out there!

Kevin from The Red Stapler Chronicles presents Does Going to Work Actually Cost You Money.
Yes, I got the 100,000 Pyramid Reference. The article will make you laugh while discussing office expenses that fly under the radar.

J. Money from Budgets Are Sexy presents Talking About Money Before Marriage (DO IT!!!),
Only 1/4 of couples talk about money before marriage…that’s crazy! I agree with J. Money….time to talk!

The Facts Of Life series went on to become one of the longest running sitcoms of the 1980’s.


Money Management

ElizabethG from Modern Gal presents Are You a Spending Addict?.

Ace of Wealth presents Much to Learn You Still Have, and says, “Mistakes. Everybody makes mistakes. They are an opportunity to learn.? As a great Jedi Master once said, “Much to learn you still have.” Yet, why do we often let these opportunities pass us by? Without understanding why, we are destined to make the same mistakes over and over.”

2 Cents from Balance Junkie presents Financial Wisdom for Father’s Day, and says, “We seem to have lost touch with some of the basics of money management over the past couple of decades. Here’s a look at some timeless advice from Warren Buffet.”

Jeff from Sustainable Life Blog presents Cash Flow, and says, “Do you earn plenty of cash every month but still run low on cash at times? Have you been wondering why this is? Check out your cash flow to find the answer!”

Squirrelers presents Should You Have a Safe Deposit Box?, and says, “This article explores the question of whether or not a safe deposit box is a good choice for storing valuables”

Briana Ford from Go Banking Rates presents Best Way to Work with Your Bank to Correct Mistakes, and says, “Like it or not, mistakes happen. Whether they are caused by human error or a technical glitch, the problem will need to be resolved. This is especially true for financial institutions.”

Marie from Moneymonk presents Stop judging me because I want a maid.

Kevin from Financially Poor presents Do You Count Your Chickens?.

The A-Team features Col. John “Hannibal” Smith and his A-Team who were framed for robbing the Bank of Hanoi at the end of a tour in Viet Nam. They were sent to a US military prison from which they escaped, and became vigilantes for hire.



Helen from Science And Money presents Citizens Bank’s College Savings Program: Deal or No Deal?, It’s an analytical breakdown of the banks savings program compared to a 529 College Savings Plan.

PT from PT Money presents Money Market Mutual Funds, and says, “All about money market funds. When to use them and what they provide.”

Silicon Valley Blogger from The Digerati Life presents Try Investing In Gold To Diversify Assets, and says, “Looking to gold and precious metals for investment diversification.”

Kristina from DINKS Finance presents If We Knew Then What We Know Now, and says, “The market moves in cycles and we should learn to learn from our mistakes. However, we don’t always remember life’s past events.”

Mike Piper from Oblivious Investor presents Can I Retire Yet? (And Other Retirement Planning Questions), and says, “A walk through of some of the most-asked retirement planning questions.”

Eric from Narrow Bridge presents Knowing When to Buy and Sell Stock, and says, “A detailed look at technical analysis and fundamental analysis as strategies to decide when to click the buy and sell button”

The Cosby Show was a long-running 80’s TV show sitcom about Doctor Heathcliff Huxtable, Clair Huxtable and their children; Sondra, Denise, Theodore, Vanessa, and Rudy.



Mighty Bargain Hunter presents Getting in at the end of yard sales isn’t bad, and says, “The early bird may catch the worm, but there are still worms left over later …”

Miss Bankrupt from Miss Bankrupt presents Things You Should Not Buy From a Garage DSale. Hmmm…I bet these things are still left over at the end of a garage sale! What do you think Mighty Bargain Hunter?

Nicole from Rainy-Day Saver presents Stocking Up Your Pantry: Yea or Nay?, and says, “Is stockpiling goods a good idea? Not necessarily. There’s a difference between hoarding and legitimate use.”

Donna Freedman from Surviving and Thriving presents You just gonna toss that bottle cap?, and says, “I go to the movies for free. Ask me how.”

Full House is the story of Danny Tanner, whose wife has died unexpectedly, and he is left with three young daughters. His two friends move in and help Danny raise the girls.



Jim from Bargaineering presents CD Early Withdrawal Penalties with a witty spare tire analogy.

Darren from MORE than Finances presents Why You Don’t Need An Emergency Fund. Uh….what?! The title grabs your attention, and is worth the read because Darren is not against saving. Personally, I agree with some of his points, but not all. Some of it is semantics…give it a read and see for yourself.

Austin Morgan from Foreigner’s Finances presents How to Open Multiple Savings Accounts with Ally Bank,
I didn’t realize you could open multiple accounts with Ally. It’s a shame they don’t promote this as it is a reason many people (including myself) stick with ING.

Len from Len Penzo dot Com presents My Store-Brand vs. Name-Brand Blind Taste-Test Experiment #3, and says, “I once again enlist 19 of my family members, including the dog, to help me determine whether store brand products are really worth the savings. ”

The Golden Girls broke all the rules of a sitcom with it’s all female cast over the age of 50.



Jason from One Money Design presents Should You Spend Money on a Vacation?, and says, “A vacation can be an investment if it’s a financially responsible act.”

Suba from Wealth Informatics presents It’s Christmas time! Christmas in July June?! Yep, start thinking about it now and avoid overspending later.

Jason from Live Real, Now presents 3 Simple Ways Keeping Your Spending Organized.

Happy Days was a highly successful show set in late 1950s. Although I’m not personally a fan, it was big in the 80s and lead to the pop culture term still used today: “jumped the shark”



Jeremy from Generation X Finance presents Health Savings Account (HSA) Basics.

Money Beagle from Money Beagle presents Changes To Flexible Spending Accounts On the Horizon.

Miss T from Prairie Eco-Thrifter presents Be Realistic Not Idealistic.

The Jeffersons was a mid 70’s – 80’s spinoff TV show from All in the Family series. George Jefferson’s newfound wealth had the Jefferson family “movin’ on up” to a deluxe apartment in Manhattan. Who ever knew the correct lyrics?



Craig/FFB from Free From Broke presents Fed Issues Final CARD Act Rules-Limits Credit Card Late Fees, and says, “The Fed issued its final rules as part of the CARD Act of 2009. In this round they work to protect consumer against unfair fees. ”

Neal Frankle from Wealth Pilgrim presents How To Maximize Your Credit Card Reward Points, and says, “Tips to help you maximize your credit card reward points.”

Real Estate

Alexa from LearnVest Living presents Down Payments, Mortgage Rates, And More: Are You Ready To Become A Home Buyer?.

Paul Williams from Provident Planning presents The Value of a Mortgage Refinance, and says, “Refinancing your mortgage can help you buy time if you need it – not to mention the great savings you can find if you have a high interest rate. Rates are ridiculously low right now, so if you have the opportunity you should at least consider refinancing now!”


Funny about Money presents Are You Cut Out for a Freelance Job? Is Anyone?, and says, “Consider how much independent contracting saves an employer and costs the contractor; a guide to the realities of freelancing.”

Punky Brewster features 7-year-old Punky and her dog Brandon. After they are abandoned at a shopping center by Punky’s mother, Chicago photographer Henry Warnimont takes the two in.



Kim Snider from Kimmunications from Kim Snider presents Should I Pay Off My Mortgage?, and says, “The conventional wisdom used to be: Pay off your mortgage as soon as you can. Retire with a paid for home. I used to believe it, but not any more. Here’s why…”


Andy from saving to invest presents Updates on 2010 Government Tax Credits – More Money Baby, and says, “More Stimulus money in the works in 2010 – Will the money keep on coming?”


Peter from Bible Money Matters presents Tax Hikes, Increased Costs And Tax Breaks We’ll See Due To Health Care Reform, and says, “Here are some taxes that you can expect to see raised under the auspices of the new health care reform package. Some people can also expect tax breaks. Here are the details.”

Small Wonder is a sci-fi sitcom story of Ted Lawson, who creates a robot named Vickie. The family tries to keep the fact their daughter Vickie is a robot a secret.



Michael from The DoughRoller presents How To Keep Your Identity Safe, and says, “A few great suggestions on how to make sure you don’t fall victim to the growing problem of identity theft.”

Pop from Pop Economics presents This much money will buy you happiness, and says, Do experiences or material things make us happier? . Does getting a raise bring joy? These questions and others are explored in this post.

Bob from Christian Finances presents How to start a business you love, and says, “Many of us are trying to find that ever-elusive job that promises prosperity and satisfaction. There are are some opportunities that we take merely for the money, and others that give us great enjoyment without a proper wage. Is it possible to find employment that is fun yet financially sound?”

Jill from My Dollar Plan presents Health Care Bill Impacts: Insurance Options for Young Adults, and says, “A great article for young adults looking into insurance options!”

After you visit all the great articles, be sure to swing back by and tell me what your favorite television show from the 80s was!

{ 14 trackbacks }

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July 11, 2010 at 5:40 am
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Black Coffee: My Favorite Blogs, Money News & Opinions #52 (The Red Balloon & Squirrel Edition)
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Citizens Bank’s College Savings Program: Deal or No Deal? « Science and Money
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(Belated) Weekend Link Love • Rainy-Day Saver
June 21, 2010 at 11:36 am
3 Simple Ways Keeping Your Spending Organized | Live Real, Now
June 21, 2010 at 11:31 am
Financial Wisdom for Father’s Day | Balance Junkie
June 21, 2010 at 10:19 am
Are You a Spending Addict? | Modern Gal
June 21, 2010 at 9:50 am
Raising a Frugal Dad: An Open Letter to My Son
June 21, 2010 at 9:42 am
Carnival of Personal Finance #262 : Carnival of Personal Finance
June 21, 2010 at 9:31 am
Tweets that mention Carnival of Personal Finance #262: 80s TV Edition --
June 21, 2010 at 7:29 am

{ 18 comments… read them below or add one }

1 Wonda Measeck August 15, 2012 at 3:00 pm

I’m let down I am able to merely “thumbs-up” this post a single time.

2 J. Money June 24, 2010 at 10:34 pm

FULL HOUSE! Oh man, talk about some memories 🙂 Jesse and the Rippers! haha… Thanks for the Editor’s Pick my friend!
.-= J. Money´s last blog ..To DINK or Not to DINK =-.

3 Fred Schebesta June 23, 2010 at 11:52 pm

I love the old school TV pictures. That has brought back some serious memories. Great carnvial!
.-= Fred Schebesta´s last blog ..Celebrity Net Worth – Notable facts on the World’s Famous Earners =-.

4 Rhona June 22, 2010 at 4:36 pm

Great round-up! I loved the ’80’s theme! Very creative. I have bookmarked a few really useful links that you provided. thanks! On an aside, I saw the A-Team novie last week and it was great! Really loved it.

5 Donna Freedman June 22, 2010 at 2:33 am

Thank you for including my post! And looking at all those photos made me flash back to watching TV with my daughter. I thought it was important to know what she was seeing. And some of it was…pretty cheesy.

6 Squirrelers June 21, 2010 at 10:12 pm

Thanks for including my post. I really like this theme, great work! I forgot how much I liked The Jeffersons and Happy Days – way back in the day:)
.-= Squirrelers´s last blog ..Can You Ever Get a Truly Free Lunch? =-.

7 Kevin June 21, 2010 at 9:36 pm

Thanks for including my post! I miss my 80’s TV including Vicki, the first robot to come out of the closet in television history 🙂
.-= Kevin´s last blog ..Does Going to Work Actually Cost You Money? =-.

8 Craig/FFB June 21, 2010 at 5:36 pm

“I love it when a plan comes together.” Thanks for hosting!

9 Ace June 21, 2010 at 1:57 pm

Great theme! I loved Happy Days. Thanks for including my post!

10 PF Journey June 21, 2010 at 2:09 pm

No problem! I enjoyed the Jedi allusion. Even though I don’t consider myself a Star Wars buff, I enjoyed the spoof SpaceBalls….go figure?! Hey…were those 80s movies?

11 Peter June 21, 2010 at 12:57 pm

Oh my gosh – i had forgotten about that show small wonder! I remember watching that as a youngster.. haha..
.-= Peter´s last blog ..What Is The Best Way To Save For A New Child? =-.

12 PF Journey June 21, 2010 at 1:00 pm

I can’t remember a single episode, but I remember the robot girl and a neighbor that used to always say “No, no, no, no, no” I remember liking it though!

13 Money Beagle June 21, 2010 at 12:25 pm

I loved most of these shows growing up! Golden Girls is still one of my favorite shows ever and I was just a kid when it came on!

Thanks for hosting and for including me!
.-= Money Beagle´s last blog ..Price Increases Bum Me Out =-.

14 PF Journey June 21, 2010 at 12:59 pm

GG was one of my favs growing up as a kid too. Of course I was too young to get some of the jokes, but liked it none the less. Of course, the theme song will be stuck in my head for the rest of the day!

Thank you for being a friend….travel down the road and back again….

15 Darren June 21, 2010 at 10:30 am

I loved tv in the 80’s! Small Wonder and Full House were good ones. Those were the good ol’ days!

Thanks for the article mention. Just curious, which part about saving did you not agree with?
.-= Darren´s last blog ..Why You Don’t Need An Emergency Fund =-.

16 PF Journey June 21, 2010 at 11:41 am

Hey Darren!

I know, there were so many great shows from the 80s it was hard to pick which ones to list. Though reminiscing about them was half the fun!

I disagreed with Parkinson’s Law quote:
“expenditures rise to meet income.” So if you have income set aside for an emergency, the likelihood of an emergency will naturally increase.

I don’t believe this can be proven any more than Dave Ramsey’s claim that an emergency fund is “Murphy repellent” — referencing Murphy’s law about things going wrong.

Though personally, I would lean more towards Dave’s statement. I don’t think it’s so much that emergencies are attracted or repelled based on your savings account…it is the state of mind when they arise that changes.

If I understood your article correctly, you are advocating savings for specific occurrences as opposed to lumping everything into one emergency fund. And I agree with this to a point. For example, I have a car fund — so if a tire goes flat, it does not constitute an emergency. I also have a house fund for home repairs. But there are still those unexpected life occurrences that we didn’t see coming…and that is what the emergency fund is for.

I think the success of an emergency fund is defining in advance when and how it is to be used.

Great article! I made me think!

17 Darren June 21, 2010 at 12:38 pm

Nice. Your different funds are what I was referring to. May I ask what unexpected life occurences you’re thinking about? Because if you can even vaguely define them, couldn’t you start saving for them now?

In any event, I did note that we can’t predict all future expenses.

“I think the success of an emergency fund is defining in advance when and how it is to be used.”

Agreed. I just don’t know if people define them like you suggest.

Was Charles In Charge from the 80’s too? Because that was a good one as well.
.-= Darren´s last blog ..Why You Don’t Need An Emergency Fund =-.

18 PF Journey June 21, 2010 at 12:47 pm

Because if you can even vaguely define them, couldn’t you start saving for them now?
— And there is the paradox!
Do I start saving for some obscure medical condition that my insurance may not cover? Do I start an account for the frivolous lawsuit that may be brought up against me? Nah, I’d rather lump it together as an emergency.

Think of an emergency fund as “Life Unexpected” Insurance.
It would be completely possible to have 10-20 accounts for each contingency imaginable and STILL miss one.

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